[PDF] Arachnophobia How To Avoid Brown Recluse Spider Bites eBook

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ARACHNOPHOBIA? How to Avoid Brown Recluse Spider Bites

Author : Tom Martincic
Publisher : CreateSpace
Page : 98 pages
File Size : 47,6 MB
Release : 2013-02-03
Category : Nature
ISBN : 9781482052916


Due to its stealthy behavior, the venomous Brown Recluse spider is considered by many to be the most dangerous spider in the United States. Capable of inflicting bite wounds that can cause severe pain, long hospital stays and even death in rare cases, most Brown Recluse bites actually occur while the victim is sleeping. Readers can learn how to avoid becoming a victim by understanding the unique habits and behavioral characteristics of this spider. These unique habits clash with our own habits and thus result in bite wounds. Written with the layman in mind, you can learn step-by-step how to identify and help eradicate the spider, plus learn important answers to questions like: Where do Brown Recluses actually live? Where do the 11 other Recluse species live in America? Why do Pest Control companies refuse to guarantee elimination of Brown Recluse infestations? What kind of insects do Brown Recluses prefer to eat? What areas do Brown Recluses avoid? What areas of your body can a Recluse never bite? What kind of predator spider is capable of eating several Brown Recluses a day? How can I avoid bringing Brown Recluses to my new home when I move? This book was written to answer such questions and much more. Includes information-packed chapters with 50+ photos and diagrams, all with the goal of reducing or even eliminating your risk of becoming a bite victim. About the author Tom Martincic has been studying Brown Recluse spider behavior and regularly interacting with Brown Recluse bite victims for the last 8 years. An expert in Brown Recluse behavior, he is the co-founder and managing partner of Progeny Products LLC, a Better Business Bureau A+ rated company dedicated to the prevention of Brown Recluse bites and supporting Brown Recluse bite victims.

The Brown Recluse Spider

Author : Richard S. Vetter
Publisher : Cornell University Press
Page : 197 pages
File Size : 43,21 MB
Release : 2015-05-07
Category : Nature
ISBN : 0801456150


The brown recluse is a fascinating spider very well adapted to dwelling in houses and other buildings. Because of this very quality and the ghastly reputation associated with the medical consequences of its bite, it has become infamous throughout North America. Although recluse spiders can cause serious skin injuries and, in very rare cases, death, the danger posed by this spider is often exaggerated as a result of arachnophobia and the misdiagnosis of non-spider-related conditions as brown recluse bites. These misdiagnoses often occur in areas of North America where the spider does not exist, making legitimate bites improbable. One of the greatest factors that keeps the myths alive is misidentification of common (and harmless) spiders as brown recluses. With this book, Richard S. Vetter hopes to educate readers regarding the biology of the spider and medical aspects of its bites, to reduce the incidence of misdiagnoses, and to quell misplaced anxiety. In The Brown Recluse Spider, Vetter covers topics such as taxonomy, identification, misidentification, life history characteristics and biology, medical aspects of envenomations, medical conditions misdiagnosed as brown recluse bites, other spider species of medical consideration (several of which have been wrongly implicated as threats to human health), and the psychology behind the entrenched reasons why people believe so deeply in the presence of the spider in the face of strong, contradictory information. Vetter also makes recommendations for control of the spider for households in areas where the spiders are found and describes other species of recluse spiders in North America. Although The Brown Recluse Spider was written for a general audience, it is also a valuable source of information for arachnologists and medical personnel.

Overcome Spider Phobia

Author : Gary Nicely
Publisher : CreateSpace
Page : 50 pages
File Size : 23,24 MB
Release : 2014-09-02
Category :
ISBN : 9781501016905


Hollywood made a pretty bad movie about it "Arachnophobia", but for some the movie was excruciating, if they even went to see it. The cast certainly was amazing: John Goodman, Kathy Kinney, and Jeff Daniels. But it doesn't take a movie to frighten people who suffer from arachnophobia. Spiders can be anywhere and everywhere. That fact alone strikes terror into the hearts of those who hold this phobia in their minds. This author has never really had a problem with spiders. When I see them, I find the closest shoe and send them on to spider heaven. I don't want them crawling all over me, but if I see one, I don't get freaked out. Now show me a snake and it's a different story. So I understand! God did not make spiders cute and cuddly. He did not make them fun or even interesting well, to most people anyway. After all, they just kind of crawl around and lurk in dark spaces occasionally spinning a web for you to get all over your face if you walk through it. Around Halloween, this can be great handmade decorations! But at other times, it's just a nuisance. Then you have to consider those spiders that are poisonous. Mass media coverage has made all of us increasingly aware of the dangers of brown recluse spiders and the physical damage they can wreak on the human body. Then you have to consider the deadly Tarantulas, and other poisonous spiders that can be lurking just underneath your house. Perhaps this is why people are afraid of spiders because they can be everywhere. Arachnophobia is a very real fear for many people. Almost half of all women suffer from a fear of spiders and about 10 percent of men share that fear. Fear of spiders, just like other phobias, is a very real condition for many people. It is one that they often wish they could get over just for the sense of normalcy. Instead of shrieking in fright at the sight of a spider, they wish they do like I do and just grab a shoe sending that spider into the great unknown. But they're not able to do that: at least not yet. There are ways to overcome the fear of spiders. Let's take a good look at why people are afraid of spiders, how phobias develop, and ways to overcome that fear and lead a satisfying life right alongside those eight legged creatures. Welcome to your e-book "OVERCOME SPIDER PHOBIA!"

The Red Hourglass

Author : Gordon Grice
Publisher : Delta
Page : 273 pages
File Size : 25,91 MB
Release : 2009-10-21
Category : Nature
ISBN : 0307568148


Snake venom that digests human flesh. A building cleared of every living thing by a band of tiny spiders. An infant insect eating its living prey from within, saving the vital organs for last. These are among the deadly feats of natural engineering you'll witness in The Red Hourglass, prize-winning author Gordon Grice's masterful, poetic, often dryly funny exploration of predators he has encountered around his rural Oklahoma home. Grice is a witty and intrepid guide through a world where mating ends in cannibalism, where killers possess toxins so lethal as to defy our ideas of a benevolent God, where spider remains, scattered like "the cast-off coats of untidy children," tell a quiet story of violent self-extermination. It's a world you'll recognize despite its exotic strangeness--the world in which we live. Unabashedly stepping into the mix, Grice abandons his role as objective observer with beguiling dark humor--collecting spiders and other vermin, decorating a tarantula's terrarium with dollhouse furniture, or forcing a battle between captive insects because he deems one "too stupid to live." Kill. Eat. Mate. Die. Charting the simple brutality of the lives of these predators, Grice's starkly graceful essays guide us toward startling truths about our own predatory nature. The Red Hourglass brings us face to fanged face with the inadequacy of our distinctions between normal and abnormal, dead and alive, innocent and evil.

Spiders of the World

Author : Norman Platnick
Publisher : Ivy Press
Page : 259 pages
File Size : 26,68 MB
Release : 2020-05-26
Category : Nature
ISBN : 1782407510


Learn all about the world of spiders in this complete and comprehensive guide, filled with stunning facts, beautiful photography and diagrams to help you understand everything you ever needed to know about arachnids! Bark spiders spin webs ten times stronger than Kevlar. Jumping spiders are capable of learning, recognizing, and remembering colours. Recluse spiders can tolerate six months of extreme drought and have a toxin-laden bite that can necessitate skin grafts. These are just some of the many amazing facts which you will discover in Spiders of the World, the perfect guide to one of natures most fascinating and varied creatures. This title explores the huge diversity of spider species and their fascinating traits. An introduction outlining the spider’s natural history is followed by 117 illustrated profiles spanning the taxonomic spider families. Beautiful close-up photographs of species from each family are shown, along with population distribution maps, tables of essential information, and commentaries revealing notable characteristics. The family profiles are also organized phylogenetically, and the commentaries in each account reflect different aspects of a spider’s biology.

Ecophysiology of Spiders

Author : Wolfgang Nentwig
Publisher : Springer Science & Business Media
Page : 450 pages
File Size : 50,97 MB
Release : 2012-12-06
Category : Science
ISBN : 3642715524


Recently another book on insect physiology was published. It was restricted to a few focal points as are many of these new insect physiology books, but there was considerable depth in its specialized point of view. We were dis cussing the structure of this book and of insect physiology books, in general, when Prof. Remmert asked me " . . . and what about books on spider physio logy?" Silence. Then I started to explain "oh yes, there is a congress pro ceedings volume on this topic and there is a group with excellent publica tions on another topic . . . ", but I felt that this answer was weak. One can no longer buy the proceedings volume in a bookshop and to read a series of publications on a given topic one must search in a library for a dozen journals. Why is there not a single book on spider physiology comparable with the many books on insect physiology? Are spiders a scientific ivory tower, far from public interest and commercial importance? I do not think so, although spiders are one of the many "forgotten" animal groups which always grew in the shadow of the insects. There are research groups working on spider physiology, there are fascinating phenomena in this animal group and there are plenty of exciting results. Spiders may have been always underresearch ed, but research is progressing. In the last few years, new books have been published, e. g.

The Hand of the Devil

Author : Dean Vincent Carter
Publisher : Delacorte Press
Page : 288 pages
File Size : 32,94 MB
Release : 2009-06-03
Category : Young Adult Fiction
ISBN : 0307495787


Ashley Reeves is a young journalist at freak-of-nature magazine Missing Link. His future's bright, even if he does spend most of his time investigating hoaxes. When he receives a letter promising him a once-in-a-lifetime story, he jumps at the opportunity. The only thing is, his life is exactly what it might cost him. The letter is from Reginald Mather, a man who at first seems no more than an eccentric collector of insects, happy to live in isolation on a remote island. But when Ashley finds himself stranded with Mather and unearths the horrific truth behind the collector's past, he is thrown headlong into a macabre nightmare that quickly spirals out of control. Ashley's life is in danger. . . . And Mather is not the only enemy. . . . Gruesome, compelling, and terrifying, The Hand of the Devil will make you never want to leave the house without bug spray again.

A Field Guide to Spiders of Australia

Author : Robert Whyte
Page : 465 pages
File Size : 11,64 MB
Release : 2017-06
Category : Science
ISBN : 0643107088


Australians have a love–hate relationship with spiders. Some spiders, such as the Redback and the Sydney Funnelweb, inspire fear. Yet Peacock Spiders, with their colourful fan-spreading courtship dances, have won rapturous appreciation worldwide. A Field Guide to Spiders of Australia uses photographs of living animals to help people identify many of the spiders they encounter. Featuring over 1300 colour photographs, it is the most comprehensive account of Australian spiders ever published. With more than two-thirds of Australian spiders yet to be scientifically described, this book sets the scene for future explorations of our extraordinary Australian fauna. This field guide will be enjoyed by naturalists and anyone with an interest in learning more about Australia's incredible arachnids.


Author : Lynne Kelly
Publisher : Jacana Books
Page : 264 pages
File Size : 20,39 MB
Release : 2009
Category : Nature
ISBN : 9781741751796


Explores the physical characteristics and behavior of spiders, discusses their role in myth and legend, provides an illustrated guide to spider-watching, and offers tips on conquering arachnophobia.

Facts about the Brown Recluse Spider

Author : Lisa Strattin
Publisher :
Page : 28 pages
File Size : 43,83 MB
Release : 2016-05-07
Category :
ISBN : 9781533137098


Children's author Lisa Strattin presents: Facts About the Brown Recluse Spider! A Picture Book For Kids. -This educational book presents facts along with beautiful color photographs and carefully chosen words to teach children about the Brown Recluse Spider-Packed with facts about Brown Recluse Spiders your children or grandchildren will enjoy learning from start to finish while they read this book. -This book was a pleasure to write, and knowing that children learn from it made it all worthwhile! Note: This book is suitable for children 5 years and older, although younger children will enjoy it if you share it with them- The brown recluse spider is one that is very dangerous to people. - For this reason, there are many brown recluse spider traps variations available For purchase.- A brown recluse spider bite is very dangerous and any bites must be treated immediately by medical personnel.- Some fear spiders For irrational reasons, this is called arachnophobia.- Learn about the brown recluse spider in order to protect yourself in case you see one!- You will find a lot of information and photos her to help you recognize this dangerous spider.Included are some Spider Coloring Pages for your child!